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Bulk Operations using Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore Extension
In this article, I will discuss Bulk Operations in Entity Framework Core using Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore Extension with Examples. Please read our previous article, which discussed Bulk Insert, Update, and Delete Operations in Entity Framework Core with Examples.
Bulk Operations using Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore Extension
Efficiently handling large volumes of data in applications is crucial for performance and scalability. While Entity Framework Core (EF Core) provides robust features for data manipulation, performing bulk operations like insert, update, and delete can be challenging due to the lack of native support and multiple database round trips. The Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore library by ZZZ Projects bridges this gap by offering high-performance bulk operations, making it easier to manage large datasets efficiently.
What is Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore?
Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore is a third-party extension library developed by ZZZ Projects that enhances Entity Framework Core by enabling high-performance bulk operations, such as bulk inserts, updates, and deletes. Entity Framework Core does not natively support efficient bulk operations, which can lead to performance issues when working with large datasets. This extension helps overcome these limitations by reducing database round trips, optimizing commands, and improving performance for large-scale data modifications.
Bulk Operation Methods of Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore Package:
The following are the extended methods that we can use to perform Bulk Operations.
- BulkInsert / BulkInsertAsync: Inserts a large number of records into the database in a single operation. This minimizes the overhead of individual inserts.
- BulkUpdate / BulkUpdateAsync: Updates multiple records at once by grouping them into a single database transaction.
- BulkDelete / BulkDeleteAsync: Deletes multiple records in one batch instead of executing multiple individual delete commands.
- BulkMerge / BulkMergeAsync: Combines insert and update operations in one go (similar to a UPSERT)
- BulkSaveChanges / BulkSaveChangesAsync: Batches multiple INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations when saving changes, significantly reducing the number of database round trips and improving performance for large-scale modifications.
Install Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore
First, we need to install the Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore package in our project. You can install it via NuGet Package Manager or by executing the following command in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore
Once you install the Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore package, you can verify it inside the Packages folder, as shown in the image below.
Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore Extensions extends our DbContext with high-performance bulk operations: BulkSaveChanges, BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge, and more. It Supports SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more. For more information, please check the two links below.
- GitHub Link:
- Official Website:
Setting Up the Entity and DbContext
We will use a simple Student entity to demonstrate bulk operations using Entity Framework Extensions and configure the DbContext accordingly.
Student Entity
So, create a class file named Student.cs within the Entities folder and then copy and paste the following code. StudentId serves as the primary key, and FirstName, LastName, and Branch Properties represent student details.
namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities { public class Student { public int StudentId { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public string Branch { get; set; } } }
Configuring the DbContext
Modify your EFCoreDbContext class to include the Students DbSet property, which will be mapped to the Students table, and configure the database connection. So, modify the EFCoreDbContext class as follows:
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities { public class EFCoreDbContext : DbContext { protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) { // Optional: Log generated SQL to the console for debugging // Uncomment the following line to enable SQL logging // optionsBuilder.LogTo(Console.WriteLine, LogLevel.Information); // Configure the SQL Server connection string optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"Server=LAPTOP-6P5NK25R\SQLSERVER2022DEV;Database=EFCoreDB;Trusted_Connection=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;"); } // DbSet representing the Students table public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; } } }
Applying Migrations and Updating the Database
After setting up the Student entity and DbContext, apply migrations to create the database schema. Open the Package Manager Console and Execute the Add-Migration and Update-Database commands as follows.
These commands will create the necessary tables in the specified database based on your Student entity, as shown in the below image:
Performing Bulk Insert Operations using Entity Framework Core Extension
The Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore Extensions provides the BulkInsert and BulkInsertAsync methods to efficiently insert large numbers of entities into the database in a single operation. This approach minimizes database round trips and enhances performance.
For a better understanding, please modify the Program class as follows. In the example below, we insert multiple students into the database using the BulkInsert Extension Method. We don’t need to call the SaveChanges method while performing the Bulk Insert Operations.
using EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo { internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Create a list of new students to insert List<Student> newStudents = new List<Student>() { new Student() { FirstName = "Pranaya", LastName = "Rout", Branch = "CSE" }, new Student() { FirstName = "Hina", LastName = "Sharma", Branch = "CSE" }, new Student() { FirstName = "Anurag", LastName = "Mohanty", Branch = "CSE" }, new Student() { FirstName = "Prity", LastName = "Tiwary", Branch = "ETC" } }; using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Perform Bulk Insert using EF Extensions // Inserts all Student entities in the newStudents list into the database in a single, optimized operation. context.BulkInsert(newStudents); //No Need for SaveChanges(): //The BulkInsert method handles database interactions internally, eliminating the need to call SaveChanges(). Console.WriteLine("BulkInsert: Successfully inserted new students."); // Display all students belonging to the CSE branch DisplayStudentsByBranch("CSE"); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"BulkInsert Error: {ex.Message}"); } } // Retrieves and displays students from a specified branch. public static void DisplayStudentsByBranch(string branch) { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Fetch all students where Branch matches the specified value var studentsList = context.Students .AsNoTracking() // Improves performance for read-only operations .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"\nStudents in {branch} Branch:"); foreach (var student in studentsList) { Console.WriteLine($"\tStudent ID: {student.StudentId}, Name: {student.FirstName} {student.LastName}, Branch: {student.Branch}"); } } } }
- Creating Students: A list of Student objects is created to represent the new records to be inserted.
- BulkInsert: The BulkInsert method is called on the DbContext to insert all students in a single, optimized operation.
- Display: After insertion, the DisplayStudentsByBranch method retrieves and displays students from the specified branch to verify the operation.
Performing Bulk Update Operations using EF Core Extension
The Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore provides two methods, BulkUpdate and BulkUpdateAync, which allow us to update a large number of entities in the database in a single operation.
For a better understanding, please modify the Program class as follows. In the example below, first, we fetch all the students whose branch is CSE, update the first and last names, and finally update the updated data in the database using the BulkUpdate Extension Method.
using EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo { public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("Starting BulkUpdate Operation..."); // Specify the branch to update string branchToUpdate = "CSE"; // Perform Bulk Update BulkUpdateStudents(branchToUpdate); Console.WriteLine("BulkUpdate: Successfully updated student records."); // Display updated students to verify changes DisplayStudentsByBranch(branchToUpdate); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"BulkUpdate Error: {ex.Message}"); } } //Updates the first and last names of students in the specified branch. public static void BulkUpdateStudents(string branch) { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Fetch students belonging to the specified branch var studentsToUpdate = context.Students .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToList(); // Modify the desired properties for each student foreach (var student in studentsToUpdate) { student.FirstName += " Updated"; student.LastName += " Updated"; } // Perform Bulk Update using EF Extensions context.BulkUpdate(studentsToUpdate); } // Retrieves and displays students from a specified branch. public static void DisplayStudentsByBranch(string branch) { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Fetch all students where Branch matches the specified value var studentsList = context.Students .AsNoTracking() // Improves performance for read-only operations .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"\nUpdated Students in {branch} Branch:"); foreach (var student in studentsList) { Console.WriteLine($"\tID: {student.StudentId}, First Name: {student.FirstName}, Last Name: {student.LastName}, Branch: {student.Branch}"); } } } }
- Fetching Students: Retrieves all students from the specified branch (CSE in this case).
- Modifying Records: Appends ” Updated” to both the FirstName and LastName of each student.
- BulkUpdate: The BulkUpdate method is called to apply all changes in a single, efficient operation.
- Display: The updated records are retrieved and displayed to verify the bulk update.
Performing Bulk Delete Operation using Entity Framework Core Extension
The BulkDelete and BulkDeleteAync methods extend our DbContext object, which allows us to delete a large number of entities from the database with a single round trip, improving the application’s performance. For a better understanding, please modify the Program class as follows: In the below example, first, we fetch all the students where the Branch is CSE, and then we delete the retrieved student using the BulkDelete Extension Method.
using EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using System; using System.Linq; namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo { public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("Starting BulkDelete Operation..."); // Specify the branch to delete students from string branchToDelete = "ETC"; // Perform Bulk Delete BulkDeleteStudents(branchToDelete); Console.WriteLine("BulkDelete: Successfully deleted student records."); // Display remaining students to verify deletion DisplayStudentsByBranch("CSE"); DisplayStudentsByBranch("ETC"); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"BulkDelete Error: {ex.Message}"); } } // Deletes all students belonging to the specified branch. public static void BulkDeleteStudents(string branch) { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Fetch students belonging to the specified branch var studentsToDelete = context.Students .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToList(); // Perform Bulk Delete using EF Extensions context.BulkDelete(studentsToDelete); } // Retrieves and displays students from a specified branch. public static void DisplayStudentsByBranch(string branch) { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Fetch all students where Branch matches the specified value var studentsList = context.Students .AsNoTracking() // Improves performance for read-only operations .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToList(); if (studentsList.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"\nStudents in {branch} Branch:"); foreach (var student in studentsList) { Console.WriteLine($"\tID: {student.StudentId}, Name: {student.FirstName} {student.LastName}, Branch: {student.Branch}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"\nNo students found in {branch} Branch."); } } } }
- Fetching Students: Retrieves all students from the specified branch (ETC in this case).
- BulkDelete: The BulkDelete method removes all fetched records in a single operation.
- Display: Attempts to display students from both CSE and ETC branches to verify the deletion.
Asynchronous Bulk Operations with EF Core Extensions
Asynchronous operations enhance application responsiveness by ensuring database interactions do not block the main thread. Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore supports asynchronous bulk operations, allowing for non-blocking data manipulation. Before proceeding further, please delete all the data from the Students table by executing the following TRUNCATE statement.
Next, modify the Program class as follows to perform the Bulk Operations asynchronously using Entity Framework Core Extension. In the example below, we use asynchronous methods like BulkInsertAsync, BulkUpdateAsync, and BulkDeleteAsync to ensure the main thread remains responsive and unblocked during execution. The following example code is self-explained, so please read the comment lines for a better understanding.
using EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo { public class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("=== EF Core Asynchronous CRUD Operations with EF Extensions ===\n"); try { // Initialize the DbContext using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // 1. Create (Bulk Insert) Operation await BulkInsertStudentsAsync(context); // 2. Read Operation await DisplayStudentsByBranchAsync(context, "CSE"); // 3. Update (Bulk Update) Operation await BulkUpdateStudentsAsync(context, "CSE"); // 4. Read Operation to verify updates await DisplayStudentsByBranchAsync(context, "CSE"); // 5. Delete (Bulk Delete) Operation await BulkDeleteStudentsAsync(context, "ETC"); // 6. Read Operations to verify deletions await DisplayStudentsByBranchAsync(context, "CSE"); await DisplayStudentsByBranchAsync(context, "ETC"); } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle any unexpected exceptions Console.WriteLine($"\nAn unexpected error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } } // Performs bulk insert of new students asynchronously. private static async Task BulkInsertStudentsAsync(EFCoreDbContext context) { Console.WriteLine("1. Starting Bulk Insert Operation..."); // Define a list of new students to insert List<Student> newStudents = new List<Student>() { new Student() { FirstName = "Alice", LastName = "Johnson", Branch = "CSE" }, new Student() { FirstName = "Bob", LastName = "Smith", Branch = "CSE" }, new Student() { FirstName = "Charlie", LastName = "Brown", Branch = "ETC" }, new Student() { FirstName = "Diana", LastName = "Prince", Branch = "ETC" } }; try { // Perform Bulk Insert asynchronously await context.BulkInsertAsync(newStudents); Console.WriteLine("Bulk Insert: Successfully inserted new students.\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle exceptions related to bulk insert Console.WriteLine($"Bulk Insert Error: {ex.Message}\n"); } } // Displays students belonging to a specific branch asynchronously. private static async Task DisplayStudentsByBranchAsync(EFCoreDbContext context, string branch) { Console.WriteLine($"2. Retrieving Students in '{branch}' Branch...\n"); try { // Fetch students asynchronously with no tracking for performance var studentsList = await context.Students .AsNoTracking() .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToListAsync(); if (studentsList.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"Students in '{branch}' Branch:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------"); foreach (var student in studentsList) { Console.WriteLine($"\tID: {student.StudentId}, Name: {student.FirstName} {student.LastName}, Branch: {student.Branch}"); } Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine($"No students found in '{branch}' Branch.\n"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle exceptions related to data retrieval Console.WriteLine($"Read Error: {ex.Message}\n"); } } // Performs bulk update of students' names asynchronously. private static async Task BulkUpdateStudentsAsync(EFCoreDbContext context, string branch) { Console.WriteLine("3. Starting Bulk Update Operation..."); try { // Fetch students asynchronously var studentsToUpdate = await context.Students .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToListAsync(); if (studentsToUpdate.Any()) { // Modify the desired properties for each student foreach (var student in studentsToUpdate) { student.FirstName += " Updated"; student.LastName += " Updated"; } // Perform Bulk Update asynchronously await context.BulkUpdateAsync(studentsToUpdate); Console.WriteLine("Bulk Update: Successfully updated student records.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"No students found in '{branch}' Branch to update.\n"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle exceptions related to bulk update Console.WriteLine($"Bulk Update Error: {ex.Message}\n"); } } // Performs bulk delete of students belonging to a specific branch asynchronously. private static async Task BulkDeleteStudentsAsync(EFCoreDbContext context, string branch) { Console.WriteLine("4. Starting Bulk Delete Operation..."); try { // Fetch students asynchronously var studentsToDelete = await context.Students .Where(std => std.Branch == branch) .ToListAsync(); if (studentsToDelete.Any()) { // Perform Bulk Delete asynchronously await context.BulkDeleteAsync(studentsToDelete); Console.WriteLine($"Bulk Delete: Successfully deleted students from '{branch}' Branch.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"No students found in '{branch}' Branch to delete.\n"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle exceptions related to bulk delete Console.WriteLine($"Bulk Delete Error: {ex.Message}\n"); } } } }
Explanation of the Code:
- Bulk Insert: Inserts four students into the database.
- Read Operation: Displays students in the CSE branch.
- Bulk Update: Appends ” Updated” to the first and last names of students in the CSE branch.
- Read Operation: Verifies that the update was successful.
- Bulk Delete: Deletes students in the ETC branch.
- Read Operations: Confirms the deletion by attempting to retrieve students from both CSE and ETC branches.
What is BulkMerge?
BulkMerge combines the functionalities of BulkInsert and BulkUpdate into a single operation, often called an “UPSERT.” It can insert new records and update existing ones based on specified conditions or primary keys. BulkMerge internally determines whether each entity in the collection should be inserted or updated.
When to Use BulkMerge:
- Mixed Data Sets: When you have a combination of new and existing records to process.
- Simplified Operations: When you want to handle insertions and updates in a single, efficient operation without managing them separately.
- Performance Optimization: Reduces the number of database calls by handling multiple operations in one batch.
BulkMerge Example using Student Entity
Please modify the Program class as follows. In this example, we will bulk merge a list of students with existing data in the database. The method will update the existing students if they match by StudentId and insert new ones.
using EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo { public class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("Starting BulkMerge operation..."); // Perform Bulk Merge operation await BulkMergeAsync(); Console.WriteLine("BulkMerge operation completed."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } } private static async Task BulkMergeAsync() { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Existing list of students to merge (sync) with the database List<Student> studentsToMerge = new List<Student> { // Assume that StudentId 1 exists and will be updated new Student { StudentId = 1, FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe Updated", Branch = "CSE" }, // This is a new student that will be inserted new Student { FirstName = "Ramesh", LastName = "Sethy", Branch = "CSE" } }; // Perform BulkMerge operation: // - Updates student with StudentId = 1 // - Inserts new student without an ID await context.BulkMergeAsync(studentsToMerge); // Display current students in the database after the merge await DisplayStudentsAsync(); } private static async Task DisplayStudentsAsync() { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); var students = await context.Students.ToListAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Current Students in the database:"); foreach (var student in students) { Console.WriteLine($"\tID: {student.StudentId}, Name: {student.FirstName} {student.LastName}, Branch: {student.Branch}"); } Console.WriteLine(); // Blank line for better readability } } }
Preparing Data:
- A Student object with StudentId = 1 is provided. Assuming this ID exists in the database, this record will be updated.
- A Student object without a StudentId is provided. This record will be inserted as a new entry.
The BulkMergeAsync method processes the list:
- Updates the existing student with StudentId = 1.
- Adds the new student to the database.
- After the merge, all students in the database are retrieved and displayed to verify the operation.
What is BulkSaveChanges?
BulkSaveChanges is an extension method that batches multiple insert, update, and delete operations into a single round trip to the database. This method is particularly useful when we have numerous changes to entities within the context, and we want to save them all efficiently at once, thereby enhancing the performance of SaveChanges for large datasets.
When to Use BulkSaveChanges:
- Multiple Operations: When our context object contains a mix of insertions, updates, and deletions entities.
- Performance Optimization: Batching operations reduce the number of database calls, which is especially beneficial for large-scale data modifications.
- Transactional Consistency: Ensures that all batched operations are executed within a single transaction, maintaining data integrity.
BulkSaveChanges Example using Student Entity
In this example, we will demonstrate how to update, insert, and delete multiple students and then use BulkSaveChanges to save all changes efficiently in one go.
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using EFCoreCodeFirstDemo.Entities; namespace EFCoreCodeFirstDemo { internal class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { try { Console.WriteLine("Starting BulkSaveChanges operation..."); // Perform Bulk SaveChanges operation await BulkSaveChangesAsync(); Console.WriteLine("BulkSaveChanges operation completed."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred: {ex.Message}"); } } private static async Task BulkSaveChangesAsync() { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); // Fetch existing students from the database var existingStudents = await context.Students.Where(s => s.Branch == "CSE").ToListAsync(); // Updating existing students (append 'Updated' to their names) foreach (var student in existingStudents) { student.FirstName += " Updated"; student.LastName += " Updated"; } // Adding a new student to the context context.Students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "New", LastName = "Student", Branch = "ETC" }); // Deleting a student from the context (this will be batched in the BulkSaveChanges) var studentToDelete = await context.Students.Where(s => s.FirstName == "Sethy").FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (studentToDelete != null) { context.Students.Remove(studentToDelete); } // Perform BulkSaveChanges to save all updates, inserts, and deletes in one go await context.BulkSaveChangesAsync(); // Display current students in the database after the save await DisplayStudentsAsync(); } private static async Task DisplayStudentsAsync() { using var context = new EFCoreDbContext(); var students = await context.Students.ToListAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Current Students in the database:"); foreach (var student in students) { Console.WriteLine($"ID: {student.StudentId}, Name: {student.FirstName} {student.LastName}, Branch: {student.Branch}"); } Console.WriteLine(); // Blank line for better readability } } }
When you run the application, you will observe that the student with the First Name “Sethy” has been deleted, and the new student “New Student” has been added. Existing students in the CSE branch have their names updated accordingly.
- Community Edition (Free): Offers basic bulk operation functionalities suitable for many applications.
- Professional and Enterprise Editions (Paid): Provide advanced features, performance enhancements, and dedicated support. Licensing fees apply based on the edition and usage requirements.
Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore enhances EF Core by providing efficient bulk operations for applications that handle large amounts of data. These methods can optimize database interactions and improve application performance.
In the next article, I will discuss Bulk Operations in Entity Framework Core using EFCore.BulkExtensions with Examples. In this article, I explain Bulk Operations in Entity Framework Core using Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore with examples. I hope you enjoyed this Bulk Operations in Entity Framework Core using Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore article.