Angular Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals
In this Angular Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals article series, we will cover all the features of Angular 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. You will learn from very basic to the advanced level features of Angular as we progress in this course. So, please go through this Angular Tutorial course, and I am sure at the end of this course, you will become a professional Angular developer.
Why did I Create this Angular Tutorials Course?
Nowadays, many new developers and students are struggling to learn Angular quickly time as there are many versions (as of now, Angular 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15) are coming into the market. Moreover, many technologies are used, like JavaScript, jQuery, etc. And because of this, developers and students get confused about how to start learning. By considering the above problem and helping students as well as developers who want to learn Angular in a quick time, I have decided to start this Angular Tutorials article series.
Should I learn AngularJS before learning Angular?
NO, Angular 2 is completely rewritten from the ground and totally different from AngularJS. So, there is no need to learn AngularJS before learning Angular 2 or any new higher versions.
What is Angular?
Angular is an open-source front-end development platform developed by Google that makes it easy to build Mobile and Desktop web applications. Angular now comes with the latest features, such as templates, dependency injection, Forms, Pipes, HTTP Services, components, Directives, etc., which are basically needed to build a complex and sophisticated application that lives on the web, mobile, or desktop.
Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Angular is written in TypeScript and is developed by a team at Google and a community of individuals and corporations. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. Angular empowers developers to build applications that live on the web, mobile, or desktop.
Angular is an open-source, TypeScript-based web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS, which was the first version of the framework.
Angular is often called a “Platform” because it provides a comprehensive solution to building client-side applications by combining declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges.
Key Features and Concepts of Angular include:
- Components: These are the basic building blocks of an Angular application. A component controls a patch of the screen called a view.
- Modules: Angular apps are modular, and Angular has its own modularity system called NgModules. Every Angular app has at least one root module, conventionally named AppModule.
- Templates: Templates are HTML with Angular-specific elements and attributes. Angular combines the template with information from the component and the application to render the dynamic view that users see.
- Data Binding: This is the automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components. Angular supports two-way data binding, meaning that changes in the application state affect the UI and vice versa.
- Directives: Directives are classes that add additional behavior to elements in your Angular applications. With Angular’s built-in directives, you can manage forms, lists, styles, and what users see.
- Services and Dependency Injection: For data or logic that isn’t associated with a specific view and that you want to share across components, you create a service class. Angular’s dependency injection system provides services to your components.
- Routing: The Angular Router enables navigation from one view to the next as users perform application tasks.
- Tooling: Angular provides a powerful command-line interface (CLI) to automate your development workflow, including starting new projects, adding different features to your existing projects, and running various development tasks such as testing.
- TypeScript: Angular is built with TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript with design-time support for type safety and tooling.
Angular’s architecture is designed to facilitate the development of large-scale applications and promote best practices in coding. The framework handles many low-level operations and integrates various libraries and tools for tasks such as form validation, HTTP requests, navigation/routing, material design components, etc.
It’s important to note that there’s often confusion between Angular and AngularJS; they are different frameworks. AngularJS refers to the 1.x versions of the framework, while Angular refers to the versions 2 and above. The two frameworks are substantially different and not backward-compatible.
Why do we need Angular?
“Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework that simplifies code binding between JavaScript objects and HTML UI elements.”
Let us try to understand the above definition and why we need angular with an example. In the following image, we have written a simple JavaScript function with the name Customer, and as part of the function, we have initialized one property with the EmployeeName. Then, we have also created an object called Emp, which is of the Employee type.
Now let us say in the above Employee object, we want to bind an HTML text box called TxtEmployeeName. In other words, when we make any changes in the HTML TxtEmployeeName text box, the changes should be reflected in the EmployeeName property of the employee object. Similarly, when we make any changes in the EmployeeName property of the employee object, those changes should also be reflected or updated in the TxtEmployeeName text box in the UI.
<input type=text id=”TxtEmployeeName” onchange=”UItoObject()”/>
To achieve the above requirement between the UI (TxtEmployeeName textbox) and the object (EmployeeName property), as a developer, we need to write two JavaScript functions, as shown in the image below. The UItoObject function will take the data from UI, i.e., from the TxtEmployeeName textbox, and set it to the EmployeeName property of the employee object. On the other hand, the ObjecttoUI function takes data from the employee object (EmployeeName property) and sets it to a UI element, i.e., TxtEmployeeName textbox.
So, if you analyze the above code visually, then it looks like something, as shown in the below image. Here, both the javascript functions (UItoObject and ObjecttoUI) are doing nothing but binding code logic between the UI and the object.
Now, the same code can be written in Angular, as shown below. With the following piece of code, whatever you type in the textbox, it will automatically update the same in the EmployeeName property of the Employee object. When the EmployeeName property of the “Employee” object gets updated, the same also updates the UI textbox.
<input type=text [(ngModel)]=” Employee. EmployeeName”/>
Now, if you analyze the above code visually, then you will end up with something as shown in the below image. You have the VIEW, which is nothing but your HTML, and your MODEL objects, which are your JavaScript functions. And the binding code in Angular, which will bind the value between the UI and the Object.
Now, that binding code has different vocabularies in industry. They are as follows.
- ViewModel: It connects the Model and the View.
- Presenter: It contains the presentation logic.
- Controller: It controls how the view and model will communicate with each other.
To avoid this vocabulary confusion, the Angular team has termed this binding code as Whatever. It’s Whatever code that binds the UI and the Model. So, the goal of Angular is Binding, Binding, and Binding.
Why Angular?
Choosing Angular as a web application framework can be due to several compelling features and benefits, particularly for large-scale and dynamic single-page applications (SPAs). Here are some reasons why developers might choose Angular:
- Full-Fledged Framework: Angular is not just a library; it’s a full-fledged framework that provides everything you need to build a client-side application. This includes a wide range of features out of the box, such as routing, form validation, state management, and more, which can simplify the development process and reduce the need for additional libraries.
- TypeScript: Angular is built using TypeScript, which offers static typing. This can lead to better tooling, more predictable code, and the ability to catch errors early. TypeScript has been appreciated for its ability to catch errors and bugs at the development stage, using types, interfaces, and decorators, which can help to maintain larger codebases more efficiently.
- Component-Based Architecture: Angular’s architecture is based on components. Each component represents a piece of the UI, and when combined, they form the entire user interface. This modularity enables a reusable, maintainable, and testable codebase.
- Two-Way Data Binding: Angular’s two-way data binding feature allows for the automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components within the application. This means that when the data in the model changes, the view reflects these changes immediately and vice versa, which reduces the need for DOM manipulation and can significantly simplify the development process.
- Declarative UI: Angular uses HTML to define the UI of the application. HTML is a declarative language, which is more intuitive and less complex than defining the interface procedurally in JavaScript.
- Dependency Injection: Angular’s dependency injection system allows for greater flexibility in how components and services are connected and provides a way to swap out dependencies easily. This is particularly useful for testing and application maintenance.
- Directives: Angular has a set of built-in directives that can add behavior to DOM elements and manipulate DOM attributes in interesting ways. Custom directives can also be created for reusable features.
- Tooling: The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that can help you initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications directly from a command shell.
- Community and Ecosystem: Being backed by Google, Angular has a large community and ecosystem. There’s a wealth of resources available for learning and troubleshooting, as well as third-party tools, libraries, and extensions.
- Enterprise-Level Testing: Angular was built with testing in mind, and it’s very conducive to both unit and end-to-end testing. It comes with tools like Jasmine, Karma, and Protractor to help with running and writing tests.
- Rich Ecosystem: Angular provides a rich ecosystem with additional tools and components. Numerous libraries integrate with Angular, such as Angular Material for UI components and NGX-Bootstrap for Bootstrap components in Angular projects.
- Angular CLI: The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) provides commands for creating files, building applications, and performing various ongoing development tasks. It simplifies the entire working process with Angular, from project creation to deployment.
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel): Angular’s design pattern encourages developers to separate the application logic from the user interface layer, which can improve the maintainability and testability of the application.
- RxJS Libraries: Angular uses RxJS, a library for reactive programming using observables, to handle asynchronous data calls. RxJS provides powerful composition techniques and error-handling mechanisms, making it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code, which can significantly simplify the handling of event-driven applications like SPAs.
- Cross-Platform Development: Angular supports cross-platform development. You can use Angular for web, mobile native, and mobile desktop applications. With technologies like Ionic for mobile apps or Electron for desktop apps, Angular extends its reach beyond browser-based applications.
- Google’s Long-Term Support: Angular is used in many internal Google apps, which means it is actively maintained and has the promise of long-term support by Google.
- Mature Community and Enterprise-Level Support: Being backed by Google, Angular has a large community of developers. There is extensive documentation, community support, and third-party tools available. It’s widely used in enterprise-level applications, so there’s a level of stability and support that enterprises find reassuring.
- Regular Updates: Angular follows Semantic Versioning and regular release cycles, ensuring the framework stays up-to-date with the latest web development standards. The Angular team commits to backward compatibility as much as possible, making updates smoother.
- Use Case Fit: Angular might be particularly well-suited to enterprise-level applications or projects where the full framework capabilities can be utilized. Applications that require a solid structure, long-term maintainability, and scalability may particularly benefit from what Angular offers.
Angular is often chosen for enterprise-scale applications due to these strengths. However, every framework or technology choice comes with trade-offs, and Angular may be more complex and have a steeper learning curve than alternatives like React or Vue.js. It is best suited to applications where the advantages of its robust nature and rich features outweigh the simplicity and flexibility provided by other frameworks.
This Angular Tutorial Course is For Whom?
This Angular Tutorial Course is designed for beginners and professional developers who want to learn Angular step by step with real-time examples. This Tutorial provides a hands-on approach to the subject with step-by-step program examples that will assist you to learn and put the acquired knowledge into practice.
Prerequisites to Learn Angular
To start learning Angular effectively, a developer should have a solid foundation in several key areas. It’s not necessary to be an expert in all these areas before starting to learn Angular, but familiarity will certainly smooth the learning curve. As you get into Angular, you can deepen your knowledge in each of these areas naturally as part of the learning process:
- HTML: Proficiency in HTML is essential since Angular is used for building web applications, and HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages.
- CSS: Basic knowledge of CSS is important for styling Angular applications. Familiarity with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap can also be helpful.
- JavaScript: A strong understanding of JavaScript is crucial for Angular development. Since Angular is a JavaScript-based framework, most of its functionality and your interactions with Angular will be through JavaScript code.
- TypeScript: Angular applications are typically written in TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static types. While you can learn TypeScript as you go, having a good grasp beforehand will make learning Angular much easier.
- ES6/ES2015 Features: Familiarity with newer JavaScript features introduced in ES6/ES2015, such as classes, modules, arrow functions, promises, and destructuring, is highly beneficial because Angular heavily utilizes these features.
- Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager): Node.js is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server side. NPM is a package manager for JavaScript. You’ll need Node.js and NPM to manage Angular project dependencies, run development tools, and build your application.
- Basic Understanding of Single-Page Applications (SPAs): Angular is often used to build SPAs, which load a single HTML page and dynamically update that page as the user interacts with the app. Understanding the SPA approach and its benefits/challenges is useful.
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) or Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern: Knowledge of these architectural patterns is helpful since Angular has its own variation of these patterns with Components (View) and Services (Model).
- Version Control Systems: Familiarity with a version control system like Git is important for modern software development workflows, collaboration, and source code management.
- Basic Command Line Usage: Since much of Angular development involves using command-line tools and scripts, comfort with using a Command Line Interface (CLI) will be beneficial.
- JavaScript Build Tools: Experience with build tools and task runners like Webpack, Gulp, or Grunt can be advantageous, although Angular CLI abstracts most tasks.
- JSON: Knowledge of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is important for working with APIs and data exchange in Angular applications.
- AJAX and HTTP: Understanding AJAX and basic knowledge of HTTP protocol and RESTful APIs since Angular often communicates with a backend server through HTTP.
- Debugging Skills: Knowing how to debug JavaScript applications will help you troubleshoot and fix issues in Angular projects.
- Responsive Web Design: As Angular is often used for front-end development, understanding responsive web design principles to create applications that work on various devices is useful.
In this Angular Tutorials article series, we will discuss all the concepts of Angular, starting from the basics to advanced concepts as we progress.
What you will learn in this course?
- You will learn how to develop a modern, complex, scalable, and responsive web application using Angular Framework.
- You will understand the architecture behind an Angular application.
- You will create single-page applications (SPA) with one of the most modern JavaScript frameworks.
This Angular Tutorials Course will cover all, from angular development environment Setup to angular application Deployment, with Modules and Offline Compilation. You will learn What exactly Directives, Services, Components, Authentication, and Forms, as well as you will also learn how to optimize an Angular Application. This tutorial will also teach you how to use the Angular CLI.
Angular JOB Opportunities in the Market:
Angular is a well-established framework in the web development industry, and there are numerous job opportunities for developers with Angular skills. Opportunities for Angular developers can be found in various sectors, including but not limited to tech, finance, healthcare, retail, and many others that require robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications.
Here are some job opportunities and career paths for developers skilled in Angular:
- Front-End Developer: Specializing in creating the client side of web applications using Angular along with other technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Full-Stack Developer: Working on both the front-end and back-end of applications. Knowledge of Angular for the front end can be complemented with skills in server-side languages and frameworks.
- UI/UX Developer: Focusing on building user interfaces and improving user experience with a strong understanding of design principles, which can be applied together with Angular to create engaging applications.
- Web Application Developer: Developing complex single-page applications (SPAs) where Angular’s robustness and feature set are highly advantageous.
- Enterprise Application Developer: Many large corporations prefer Angular for its enterprise-level features, TypeScript support, and scalability, creating opportunities for developers in this space.
- Mobile Developer: Using frameworks like Ionic or NativeScript in combination with Angular to build mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms.
- Freelance Developer: Offering Angular development services on a freelance or contractual basis to clients and agencies.
- Technical Lead/Manager: Overseeing development teams and projects, requiring not only deep knowledge of Angular but also skills in project management and team leadership.
- DevOps Engineer: Integrating Angular applications with CI/CD pipelines, requiring knowledge of Angular build processes and deployment.
- Angular Trainer/Coach: Teaching Angular to other developers, either within an organization or as part of a coding boot camp or online learning platform.
- Software Architect: Designing the structure of complex systems where Angular might be chosen as the front-end framework in a larger technology stack.
The job market for Angular developers can be influenced by several factors, including:
- Geographical Location: Demand for Angular developers may be higher in tech hubs and metropolitan areas where many companies have headquarters or tech offices.
- Industry: Certain industries, such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, may have a higher demand for Angular developers due to the nature of their digital products.
- Company Size: Large enterprises might have more established teams with a need for Angular skills, while startups might be looking for versatile developers who can work with Angular, among other technologies.
- Market Trends: The popularity of frameworks can wax and wane. However, Angular’s backing from Google and its enterprise-focused capabilities remain in steady demand.
- Remote Work: The rise of remote work has opened global opportunities for Angular developers, allowing them to work for companies that aren’t limited by their immediate geography.
To find Angular job opportunities, candidates often need to showcase their skills through a combination of a solid portfolio, demonstrable experience, a strong understanding of best practices, and sometimes certifications. Staying current with the latest Angular updates and industry trends is also crucial in this dynamic job market.
Lastly, your valuable feedback is important and means a lot to us. So, if you have a few minutes, please let us know your thoughts and feedback on this Angular Tutorials course. Please join our Telegram Channel to learn more and clear your doubts on Angular. Also, join our JavaScript Facebook Group to learn and share your thoughts on Angular.
What can you say in using AngularJS in ASP.NET MVC? Is it a good practice?
Hey Regie,
Yes, Its really a good practice to use Angular with MVC.
Please start Angular 8 and ReactJS Series Please. Your Site is very helpful .
Thank you for finding out website useful. Very soon we are going to start reactjs
Missed topics:
Calling web Api using angular
Promises in angular
Observable in angular
How to subscribe and unsubscribe in angular
This is probably the best sites for .net people. As we prepare for interviews or learn new concepts, each and every article of this web site, has a very simple yet beautiful language to explain with good examples. I would rate this the best learning tutorial site for .net.
I request admin to keep adding new stuff like ReactJS, Angular 6,7,8 or any other frameworks within .NET.
Thank you for giving your valuable feedback. We are trying to finish the angular course as soon as possible and then we will start ReactJs.
Is it also possible to add RxJS topics with detailed explanation like the one you provide in all the other tutorials?
Really thankful for your efforts. Kindly update more articles of Angular.
I request admin to keep adding new stuff like React Native, NodeJs, MongoDB
Sure. We take your feedback into consideration and we promise we will start the same very soon.
Is there any chance to upload mongodb??
Really Thankfull for your efforts, dedication and empathy towards sharing knowledge, Really appreciate it
Really nice to learn each topic including examples.
Mongodb is in the pipeline.
Best site for learn each and every topic with good examples..Please start on Angular 8..
Hello Sir, Angular tutorials are good. Could you please update reactjs tutorial
Excellent tutorial sir
your articles are really awesome. As i am beginner so your simple and the way you explain is really awesome. Love from INdia
It built on TypeScript. As a platform not on Javascript. Please correct it.
Can you plz Add Microservices
Are you going to finish this course, I’d be more than willing to pay for it.
Excellent explanation of “Why do we need Angular?” Till now I went through lot of web sites, books and video tutorials but none given this much clear explanation. Thanks sir.
please complete this course ,you have not updated any new thing last 1 year
Great article. I think covered all the aspects.
Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Team,
Good efforts!! Appreciate your works!!! all the tutorials are easy to understand.
Kind request, if possible please upload tutorials on WCF and WPF as well.
Please start Angular 14 Tutorial
please update the whole tutorials in angular 16 0r 18
Please start angular 19