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Conversion between Array, List, and Dictionary in C#
In this article, we will discuss how to perform Conversion Between Array List and Dictionary in C#. Please read our previous article where we discussed Dictionary in C# with examples. As part of this article, we will discuss the following six things.
- Convert an array to a List – Use ToList() method
- Convert a list to an array – Use ToArray() method
- Convert a List to a Dictionary – Use ToDictionary() method
- Convert an array to a Dictionary – Use ToDictionary() method
- Convert a Dictionary to an array – Use ToArray() method on the Values Property of the dictionary object
- Convert a Dictionary to a List – Use the ToList() method on the Values Property of the dictionary object
Let us understand this with an example.
The code is self-explained. Please go through the comments.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace CollectionDemo { public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Create Employee object Employee emp1 = new Employee() { ID = 101, Name = "Pranaya", Gender = "Male", Salary = 20000 }; Employee emp2 = new Employee() { ID = 102, Name = "Priyanka", Gender = "Female", Salary = 30000 }; Employee emp3 = new Employee() { ID = 103, Name = "Anurag", Gender = "Male", Salary = 40000 }; // Create an array of employees with size 3 // and then Store the 3 employees into the array Employee[] arrayEmployees = new Employee[3]; arrayEmployees[0] = emp1; arrayEmployees[1] = emp2; arrayEmployees[2] = emp3; // To convert an array to a List, use ToList() method List<Employee> listEmployees = arrayEmployees.ToList(); foreach (Employee emp in listEmployees) { Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Gender ={2}, Salary = {3}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Gender, emp.Salary); } Console.WriteLine(); // To convert a List to an array, use ToArray() method Employee[] arrayAllEmployeesFromList = listEmployees.ToArray(); foreach (Employee emp in arrayAllEmployeesFromList) { Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Gender ={2}, Salary = {3}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Gender, emp.Salary); } Console.WriteLine(); // To convert a List to a Dictionary, use ToDictionary() method Dictionary<int, Employee> dictionaryEmployees = listEmployees.ToDictionary(employee => employee.ID, employee => employee); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Employee> keyValuePairEmployees in dictionaryEmployees) { Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}", keyValuePairEmployees.Key); Employee emp = keyValuePairEmployees.Value; Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Gender ={2}, Salary = {3}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Gender, emp.Salary); } Console.WriteLine(); // To convert an Array to a Dictionary, use ToDictionary() method Dictionary<int, Employee> dictionaryEmployeesFromArray = arrayEmployees.ToDictionary(employee => employee.ID, employee => employee); // Loop thru the dictionary and print the key/value pairs foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Employee> kvp in dictionaryEmployeesFromArray) { Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}", kvp.Key); Employee emp = kvp.Value; Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Gender ={2}, Salary = {3}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Gender, emp.Salary); } // To Convert a dictionaty to an array, use ToArray method on the Values // Peoperty of the dictionary object Employee[] arrayAllEmployeesFromDictionary = dictionaryEmployeesFromArray.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Employee emp in arrayAllEmployeesFromDictionary) { Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Gender ={2}, Salary = {3}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Gender, emp.Salary); } Console.WriteLine(); // To Convert a dictionary to a List, use To List method on the Values // Property of the dictionary object List<Employee> listAllEmployeesFromDictionary = dictionaryEmployeesFromArray.Values.ToList(); foreach (Employee emp in listAllEmployeesFromDictionary) { Console.WriteLine("ID = {0}, Name = {1}, Gender ={2}, Salary = {3}", emp.ID, emp.Name, emp.Gender, emp.Salary); } Console.ReadKey(); } } public class Employee { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Gender { get; set; } public int Salary { get; set; } } }
In the next article, I am going to discuss List vs Dictionary in C# with examples. Here, in this article, I try to explain the Conversion Between Array List and Dictionary in C# with an example. I hope this article will help you with your need. I would like to have your feedback. Please post your feedback, question, or comments about this article.