Views in MySQL

Views in MySQL with Examples

In this article, I am going to discuss the Views in MySQL with Examples. Views are one of the most important concepts in MySQL. If you want to become a MySQL developer then you should know how and when to use the Views. At the end of this article, you will understand the following pointers in detail.

  1. What is a View in MySQL?
  2. What are the differences between a table and a view in MySQL?
  3. Examples to understand Views in MySQL
  4. How to Create a View in MySQL?
  5. How many types of views are there in MySQL?
  6. What is a simple view or an Updatable view in MySQL?
  7. How to DROP a View in MySQL?
  8. How to Modify a view in MySQL?
  9. What is a complex view in MySQL?
  10. MySQL Complex View Example
  11. Can we create a view based on other views?
  12. Can we drop a table that has dependent views on it in MySQL?
What is a View in MySQL?

VIEW is a database object that can be created like a table. In SQL, a VIEW is similar to a virtual table. But unlike tables VIEWS don’t actually store data. VIEWS are complex SELECT statements used as virtual tables for ease of reference and reuse. The VIEWS are useful for storing complex SQL statements as a virtual table and request the VIEW as a single table instead of a complex query.

For security purposes, we can restrict users from accessing underlying tables and instead give access to views or virtual tables with limited columns. Since, every time user request view, the database engine recreates the result set, which always returns up-to-date data rows from views.

So, when we query a view, it actually gets the data from the underlying database tables as shown in the below image.

What is a View in MySQL?

So, in simple words, we can say that the views in MySQL act as an interface between the actual database table(s) and the user.

What are the differences between a table and a view in MySQL?

When we compared a view with a table, we have the following differences.

  1. The table is physical i.e. it is an actual table whereas the view is logical i.e. it is a virtual table.
  2. A Table is an independent object whereas a view is a dependent object. That is a view depends on the table(s) from which it is going to fetch the data.
  3. The Table stores the actual data of the database whereas View creates a logical subset of data from one or more tables.
  4. When a new table is created from an existing table, the new and old tables are independent themselves, that is the changes of one table will not be reflected into the other table whereas if a view is created based on a table, any changes that are performed on the table will reflect into the view and any changes performed on the view reflected in the table also.
Examples to understand Views in MySQL

We are going to use the following Gender and Employee table to understand the Views in MySQL.

Examples to understand Views in MySQL

Please use the below SQL Script to create and populate the database EmployeeDB, and Gender and Employee table with the required sample data.

USE EmployeeDB;

-- Create Gender Table
  Name VARCHAR(50)

-- Populate the Gender Table with test data
INSERT INTO Gender VALUES(1, 'Male');
INSERT INTO Gender VALUES(2, 'Female');
INSERT INTO Gender VALUES(3, 'Unknown');

-- Create Employee Table
  Name VARCHAR(50),
  GenderId VARCHAR(50),
  Salary INT,
  Department VARCHAR(50)

-- Populate the Employee Table with test data
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(1, 'Pranaya', 1, 20000, 'IT');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(2, 'Priyanka', 2, 30000, 'HR');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(3, 'Anurag', 1, 40000, 'IT');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(4, 'Preety', 2, 25000, 'HR');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(5, 'Sambit', 3, 35000, 'INFRA');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES(6, 'Hina', 2, 45000, 'HR');
How to Create a View in MySQL?

The Syntax to Create a View in MySQL is shown below. As you can see in the below image, the MySQL Views will be created by using a select statement.

How to Create a View in MySQL?

How many types of views are there in MySQL?

There are two types of views in MySQL, they are as follows.

  1. Simple view or Updatable views
  2. Complex view or non-updatable views.
What is a simple view or an Updatable view in MySQL?

The view that is created based on the columns of a single table is known as a simple view in MySQL. In the Simple View, we can perform all the DML operations, so it is also called an updatable view. Let us understand Simple Views in MySQL with Examples.

Simple View with All Columns:

Now we will create a view that will retrieve all the column data from the Employee table.

CREATE VIEW vwEmployee AS SELECT * FROM Employee;

Once you execute the above statement, the view vwEmployee is created inside the Views folder as shown in the below image.

What is a simple view or an Updatable view in MySQL?

As the above view is created based on a single table i.e. Employee table, so it is called a Simple view and updatable view. As we already discussed we can perform all the DML Operations on Simple view. Let us prove this.

Retrieve Operation on MySQL View:

To retrieve the data from a view, we need to use the SELECT statement, in the same way, we used to select the data from a table. So, the following SQL query will retrieve all the data from the Employee table as the view created on the Employee table.

SELECT * FROM vwEmployee;

When you execute the above SQL Statement, you will get the following output. Here, we are querying the view which internally fetches the data from the underlying base table i.e. Employee.

Retrieve Operation on MySQL Simple View

Insert Operation on MySQL View:

It is possible in MySQL to perform INSERT Operation on Simple View. In this case, the record actually inserted into the underlying base table. Let us try to insert one record using our vwEmployee view by executing the below SQL INSERT Statement.

INSERT INTO vwEmployee VALUES(7, ‘Smith’, 1, 42000, ‘IT’);

When you execute the above INSERT statement, one record is inserted into the Employee table. To check the same, execute the below SELECT query.

SELECT * FROM Employee;

Once you execute the above SQL Statement, you will get the following output and notice the new record with id 7 is there in the Employee table.

Insert Operation on MySQL View

Update Operation on MySQL Views:

It is also possible in MySQL Simple Views to Perform UPDATE DML Operation. Let’s try to update the Name and Salary of the employee whose id is 7 using the vwEmployee view by executing the below UPDATE Statement.

UPDATE vwEmployee SET Name = ‘Taylor’, Salary = 50000 WHERE Id = 7;

Once you execute the above UPDATE SQL Statement, the Employee Name and Salary is Updated whose Id is 7. To verify whether the data is updated successfully or not make a select query against the Employee table by executing the below SELECT Statement.

SELECT * FROM Employee;

Once you execute the above SELECT Statement, you will get the following output and notice the Name and Salary of the Employee who’s with id 7 is updated in the Employee table as expected as shown in the below image.

Update Operation on MySQL Views

Delete Operation on MySQL View:

It is also possible in MySQL Simple view to perform the DML DELETE Operation. Let’s try to Delete the Employee whose ID is 7 using the vwEmployee view by executing the below DELETE Statement.

DELETE FROM vwEmployee where ID = 7;

Once you execute the above DELETE Statement, then check the Employee table and you will see that the Employee whose ID is 7 is deleted as expected from the Employee table. To verify whether the same, issue a select query against the Employee table by executing the below SELECT Statement.

SELECT * FROM Employee;

Once you execute the above SELECT Statement, you will get the following output and notice that the Employee who’s with id 7 is no longer exists in the Employee table.

Delete Operation on MySQL View

So, this proofs that we can perform ALL the DML operations on a Simple View in MySQL which is also called an Updatable View.

Simple View with Required Columns in MySQL:

The view that we created in our example, retrieves all the columns from the Employee table. Now we will see how to create a view with specific columns from the Employee table. We want all the columns except the Salary column. To do so, please execute the following SQL Statement.

CREATE VIEW vwEmployee1 
SELECT Id, Name, GenderId, Department 
FROM Employee;

Once you execute the above CREATE VIEW statement, the view vwEmployee1 is created inside the Views folder as shown in the below image.

Simple View with Required Columns in MySQL

In this vwEmployee1 view, we can also perform the SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations as the above view is also a simple or you can say updatable view.

How to DROP a View in MySQL?

To drop a view in MySQL, we need to use the following syntax.

DROP VIEW viewname;

As we have created two views so far, let us delete the vwEmployee view by executing the below statements.

DROP VIEW vwEmployee;

Once you execute the above statement, the vwEmployee view should be deleted from the Views folder as shown in the below image.

How to DROP a View in MySQL?

How to Modify a view in MySQL?

Once the view is created, later if you want to update the view, then you can also do the same in MySQL. To modify or update the already created view without dropping it we can use ALTER VIEW statement. Following is the syntax.

How to Modify a view in MySQL?

For example, from our vwEmployee1 view, we also want to remove the GenderId column. Then we can do the same by executing the below ALTER View Statement.

ALTER VIEW vwEmployee1 
SELECT Id, Name, Department 
FROM Employee;  

Now, issue a select query against the view and you will see that only three columns’ data are returned from the Employee table.

SELECT * FROM vwEmployee1; will give you the following output.

How many types of views are there in MySQL?

What is a complex view in MySQL?

When we create a view based on more than 1 table by using MySQL JOIN, then it is known as a complex view and on a complex view, we may or may not perform DML operations. So, a complex view is also called a non-updatable view.

MySQL Complex View Example:

Let us understand MySQL Complex view with an example. We already discussed INNER JOIN in our previous article. Let us create a VIEW-based INNER JOIN SELECT statement. We want a view that will retrieve the data from the Employee and Gender table and the column the view should include are EmployeeId, Employee Name, Salary, Gender Name, and Department. To do so, execute the below CREATE VIEW SQL Statement.

CREATE VIEW vwEmployees
SELECT emp.Id, emp.Name, emp.Salary, gen.Name AS Gender
FROM Employee emp
INNER JOIN Gender gen
on emp.GenderId = gen.ID;

Now, issue a select query against the vwEmployees complex view by executing the below SQL SELECT Statement.

SELECT * FROM vwEmployees;

Once you execute the above query, you will get the following output which will retrieve the data from both Employee and Gender table as shown in the below image.

MySQL Complex View Example

A view that is created based on a single table will also be considered as a complex view provided if the query contains Distinct. Aggregate Function, Group by Clause, having Clause, calculated columns, and set operations. For example, the following is a view based on the single table, but it will be considered as a complex view as it uses the group by clause.

CREATE VIEW vwCountEmployees
SELECT Department, Count(*) as TotalEmployee
FROM Employee Group BY Department;

Now, issue a select query against the vwCountEmployees complex view by executing the below SQL SELECT Statement.

SELECT * FROM vwEmployees;

Once you execute the above SQL query, you will get the following output which will retrieve the aggregated data i.e. the Department name and the number of employees in each department as shown in the below image.

What is a complex view in MySQL?

Note: We will discuss more Complex views in our Complex Views in the MySQL article. In this article, we are focusing on the simple view.

Can we create a view based on other views?

Yes, it is possible in MySQL to create a view based on other views. Suppose we want to create a view vwSalaryDetails based on the vwEmployees view to show the name and salary of employees. Then we can do the same by executing the below CREATE View Statement.

CREATE VIEW vwSalaryDetails 
SELECT Name, Salary
FROM vwEmployees;

Now, issue a select query against the vwSalaryDetails view by executing the below SQL SELECT Statement.

SELECT * FROM vwSalaryDetails;

Once you execute the above SQL query, you will get the following output which will retrieve the Name and Salary of each employee as shown in the below image.

Can we create a view based on other views?

Can we drop a table that has dependent views on it in MySQL?

Yes, it is possible in MySQL to drop a table even if any dependent views are associated with it, but the views that are associated with it will not be dropped. They still execute in the database only with the status as inactive object and all those views become active and start functioning provided the table is recreated.

In the next article, I am going to discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of MySQL Views with Examples. Here, in this article, I try to explain the Views in MySQL with Examples. I hope this article will help you with your needs. I would like to have your feedback. Please post your feedback, question, or comments about this article.

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