Database Relationships in MySQL

Database Relationships in MySQL with Examples

In this article, I am going to discuss Database Relationships in MySQL with Examples. Please read our previous article where we discussed SQL Injection in MySQL. At the end of this article, you will understand everything about the One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many Database relationships in MySQL with Examples.

Database Relationships in MySQL

Database relationship means how the data in one table is related to the data in another table. In RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). The term “Relational” refers to the tables with Relations. Relationships between two tables are created using keys. A key in one table will normally relate to a key in another table. Two tables in a database may also be unrelated. There are mainly 3 types of database relationships:

  1. One-to-one (1:1) Relationship: If only one data in one table relates to the only one data in another table it is known as one-to-one (1:1) relationship.
  2. One-to-many (1:M) Relationship: If only one data in one table relates to the multiple data in another table it is known as the one-to-many (1:M) relationship.
  3. Many-to-many (M:M) Relationship: And if multiple data in one table relates to the multiple data in another table it is known as many-to-many (M:M) relationship.
One-to-One (1:1) Database Relationship in MySQL

In a One-to-One (1:1) Relationship only one data in one table relates to only one data in another table. Take a look at the example tables. We have two database tables i.e. customers and addresses. First table stores customerid, customername, and addressid. The second table stores addressid and address column values which are shown in the below image.

One-to-One (1:1) Database Relationship in MySQL

In customers table, each addressid in a data row represents the actual address of the customer in the address table. Every customer can have only one address and everyone address can have only one customer. This represents One-to-One Relationships between the two tables.

Database Relationships in MySQL with Examples

Examples to Understand One-to-One Relationship in MySQL

Let’s understand One-to-One Database Relationship in MySQL with examples. Now we will create the database school and within the school database, we will create two tables i.e. Students and Addresses as shown in the below image. Then we will see the One-To-One Relationship between Students and Addresses table.

Examples to Understand One-to-One Relationship in MySQL

In the Addresses table, the column value AddressId 1001, 1002, 1003, and 1004 are assigned to the StudentId values 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. The details of each student are stored in Students table. In the case of these 2 tables, every student has only 1 Address while every AddressId can only be assigned to only 1 student. This type of relationship between these 2 tables is known as One-To-One Relationship.

Please use the below SQL Script to create the SCHOOL database, and create the Students and Addresses tables with the required sample data.


-- Create Students Table
     Name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
     Class VARCHAR(20),
     Age INT

-- Populate the Students Table with test data
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (1,'John', 'First', 5);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (2, 'Mary', 'Third', 7);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (3, 'Mike', 'Second', 6);
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (4, 'Linda', 'Third', 7);

-- Create Addresses Table
CREATE TABLE Addresses (
     AddressId INT PRIMARY KEY, 
     Address VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

-- Populate the Addresses Table with test data
INSERT INTO Addresses VALUES(1001, 'Mumbai', 1);
INSERT INTO Addresses VALUES(1002, 'Delhi', 2);
INSERT INTO Addresses VALUES(1003, 'BBSR', 3);
INSERT INTO Addresses VALUES(1004, 'Hyderabad', 4);
One-To-Many (1:M) Database Relationship

In One-To-Many (1:M) Relationship one records in one table relate to multiple records in another table. The One-To-Many (1:M) Relationships is the most commonly used relationship in relational database management systems.

Let us understand the one-to-many relationships with an example. We have two database tables i.e. Customers and Orders. Customers table stores customerid and customername. The orders table stores orderid, customerid, orderdate and amount column values as shown in the below image.

One-To-Many (1:M) Database Relationship

In orders tables the customerid data row represents the customerid of a customer from customers table. A single customer from customers table can order multiple items. Therefore, the orders table can contain more than one customerid of the same customer in customerid column. But there can be only one customerid in the ‘customerid’ column in ‘customers’ table. This represents the One-To-Many Relationship between the Customers and Orders tables as shown in the below image.

One-To-Many (1:M) Database Relationship in MySQL

Example to Understand One-To-Many (1:M) Database Relationship in MySQL

Let us understand 0ne-To-Many Relationships with examples in MySQL. Now we will create the database Company and within the Company database will create two tables i.e. Employee and Projects as shown in the below image. Then we will see the One-To-Many Relationships between Employee and Projects table.

Example to Understand One-To-Many (1:M) Database Relationship in MySQL

In the Projects table, one employee can post multiple projects, therefore, the Projects table may contain more than one ‘employeeid’ value for the same employee. But the same employee cannot have multiple employees in the id column. Take a look at the ‘employeeid’ 1002, 1003, and 1007 in the ‘Projects’ table. The clients have posted 2 projects respectively for the above three employees. And their employeeid is saved twice in the ‘projects’ table but there is only one employeeid for each employee in the Employee table. This represents the One-To-Many Relationship between the two tables.

Please use the below SQL Script to create the Company database, and create the Employee and Projects tables with the required sample data.

USE Company;

-- Create Students Table
 Department VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,

-- Populate the Employee Table with test data
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1001, 'John', 'IT', 35000, 'Male', 25, 'London');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1002, 'Smith', 'HR', 45000, 'Female', 27, 'London');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1003, 'James', 'Finance', 50000, 'Male', 28, 'London');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1004, 'Mike', 'Finance', 50000, 'Male', 28, 'London');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1005, 'Linda', 'HR', 75000, 'Female', 26, 'London');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1006, 'Anurag', 'IT', 35000, 'Male', 25, 'Mumbai');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1007, 'Priyanla', 'HR', 45000, 'Female', 27, 'Mumbai');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1008, 'Sambit', 'IT', 50000, 'Male', 28, 'Mumbai');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1009, 'Pranaya', 'IT', 50000, 'Male', 28, 'Mumbai');
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1010, 'Hina', 'HR', 75000, 'Female', 26, 'Mumbai');

-- Create Projects Table
        Title VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
        ClientId INT,
        EmployeeId INT,
        StartDate DATETIME,
        EndDate DATETIME,
        FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeId) REFERENCES Employee(Id)

-- Populate the Projects Table with test data
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (1, 'Develop ecommerse website from scratch', 1, 1003, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (2, 'WordPress website for our company', 1, 1002, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 45 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (3, 'Manage our company servers', 2, 1007, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 45 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (4, 'Hosting account is not working', 3, 1009, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (5, 'MySQL database from my desktop application', 4, 1010, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 15 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (6, 'Develop new WordPress plugin for my business website', 2, 1003, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (7, 'Migrate web application and database to new server', 2, 1002, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (8, 'Android Application development', 4, 1004, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 30 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (9, 'Hosting account is not working', 3, 1001, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (10, 'MySQL database from my desktop application', 4, 1008, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 15 DAY));
INSERT INTO Projects VALUES (11, 'Develop new WordPress plugin for my business website', 2, 1007, NOW(), DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 10 DAY));
Many-To-Many (M:M) Database Relationship

In Many-To-Many (M:M) Database Relationship, multiple records in one table relate to multiple records in another table. Take a look at the below example tables. We have 3 database tables. The first table called ‘customers’, stores customerid name and phone number of the customers. The second table called ‘items’, stores itemid, and item_details, and the third table called ‘order_history’ stores, customerid, orderdate, and itemid as shown in the below image.

Many-To-Many (M:M) Database Relationship

In the OrderHistory table, the customerid data row represents the customerid of a customer from Customers table. And the itemid data row represents the itemid of an item from the items table. A single customers table can make multiple orders. Therefore, customerid column of OrderHistory table can store the same customerid multiple times. Similarly, single item from the Items table can be ordered multiple times. Therefore, itemid column of the OrderHistory table can store the same itemid multiple times. This represents Many-To-Many Relationship between the three tables as shown in the below image.

Many-To-Many (M:M) Database Relationships in MySQL

Example to Understand Many-To-Many (M:M) Database Relationship in MySQL

Let us understand Many-To-Many Database Relationships with examples in MySQL. Now we will create the database OnlineShop and within the OnlineShop database, we will create three tables i.e. Customers, Items, and OrderHistory as shown in the below image. Then we will see the Many-To-Many Relationships between these three tables.

Example to Understand Many-To-Many (M:M) Database Relationships in MySQL

In OrderHistory table, the UserId data row represents the UserId of a customer from Customers table and the ItemId data row represents the ItemId of an item from the items table. A single customer from Customers table can make multiple orders. Therefore, UserId column of the OrderHistory table can store the same item multiple times. Similarly, a single item from the Items table can be ordered multiple times. Therefore, ItemId column of the OrderHistory table can store the same ItemId multiple times. Take a look at the OrderHistory table, the UserId ‘5’ and 1 have made 2 orders but the user has only one UserId in the Customers table. Similarly, the ItemId ‘1’ and 3 are purchased 2 times but the item has only one ItemId in the items table. This represents Many-To-Many Relationship between the Customers, OrderHistory, and Items tables.

Please use the below SQL Script to create the OnlineShop database, and create the Customers, Items, and OrderHistory tables with the required sample data.

USE OnlineShop;

-- Create Customers Table
 Phone VARCHAR(15),
 Address VARCHAR(150)

-- Populate the Customers Table with test data
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (1, 'Jimmy','4567891230','Mumbai');
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (2, 'Henry','1234567890','Delhi');
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (3, 'Ruby','7539514682','BBSR');
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (4, 'Julia','3571592486','Mumbai');
INSERT INTO Customers VALUES (5, 'Anna','0231456785','Delhi');

-- Create ITEMS Table
 CategoryId INT,
 Price FLOAT

-- Populate the Items Table with test data
INSERT INTO items VALUES (1, 1, 'Androud Mobile Phone', 250.00);
INSERT INTO items VALUES (2, 1, 'i7 processor, 8GB RAM Laptop', 1000.00);
INSERT INTO items VALUES (3, 2, 'How to train your cat', 25.00);
INSERT INTO items VALUES (4, 2, 'Healthy dog food recipes', 19.00);
INSERT INTO items VALUES (5, 2, 'Learn how to meditate for mental health', 30.00);
INSERT INTO items VALUES (6, 3, 'Beautiful Black T-Shirts', 99.00);
INSERT INTO items VALUES (7, 3, 'Blue Colored Jeans', 150.00);

-- Create OrderHistory Table
CREATE TABLE OrderHistory (
    	OrderHistoryId INT PRIMARY KEY,
   	UserId INT NOT NULL, 
   	Itemid INT NOT NULL, 
    	OrderDate DATE

-- Populate the OrderHistory Table with test data
INSERT INTO OrderHistory VALUES (1, 5, 1, '2016-02-14');
INSERT INTO OrderHistory VALUES (2, 1, 1, '2016-02-14');
INSERT INTO OrderHistory VALUES (3, 5, 3, '2016-02-14');
INSERT INTO OrderHistory VALUES (4, 1, 3, '2016-02-14');

In the next article, I am going to discuss Database Normalization in MySQL with Examples. Here, in this article, I try to explain Database Relationships in MySQL with Examples and I hope you enjoy this Database Relationships in MySQL article.

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