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RaiseError and @@ERROR function in SQL Server with Example
In this article, I am going to discuss the RaiseError and @@ERROR Function in SQL Server with Example. Please read our previous article where we discussed the Basics Concepts of Exception Handling in SQL Server with examples.
RaiseError Function in SQL Server
The system-defined Raiserror() function returns an error message back to the calling application. The RaiseError System defined Function in SQL Server takes 3 parameters as shown below.
RAISERROR(‘Error Message’, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState)
- Error Message: The custom error message that you want to display whenever the exception is raised.
- Error Severity: When we are returning any custom errors in SQL Server, we need to set the ErrorSeverity level as 16, which indicates this is a general error and this error can be corrected by the user. In our example, the error can be corrected by the user by giving a nonzero value for the second parameter.
- Error State: The ErrorState is also an integer value between 1 and 255. The RAISERROR() function can only generate custom errors if you set the Error State value between 1 to 127.
@@Error System Function in SQL Server:
In SQL Server 2000, in order to detect errors, we use the @@Error system function. The @@Error system function returns a NON-ZERO value if there is an error, otherwise, ZERO indicates that the previous SQL statement was executed without any error.
Example: RaiseError and @@ERROR Function in SQL Server
We are going to use the following Product and ProductSales table to understand how to handle errors in SQL Server using RaiseError and @ERROR System-Defined Functions.
Please use the below SQL Script to create and populate the Product and ProductSales table with sample data.
-- Create Product table CREATE TABLE Product ( ProductId INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(50), Price INT, QuantityAvailable INT ) GO -- Populate the Product Table with some test data INSERT INTO Product VALUES(101, 'Laptop', 1234, 100) INSERT INTO Product VALUES(102, 'Desktop', 3456, 50) INSERT INTO Product VALUES(103, 'Tablet', 5678, 35) INSERT INTO Product VALUES(104, 'Mobile', 7890, 25) GO -- Create ProductSales table CREATE TABLE ProductSales ( ProductSalesId INT PRIMARY KEY, ProductId INT, QuantitySold INT ) GO -- Populate the ProductSales Table with some test data INSERT INTO ProductSales VALUES(1, 101, 5) INSERT INTO ProductSales VALUES(2, 102, 7) INSERT INTO ProductSales VALUES(3, 103, 5) INSERT INTO ProductSales VALUES(4, 104, 7) Go
Create the following stored procedure for product sales.
The following stored procedure accepts 2 parameters – ProductID and QuantityToSell. The ProductID parameter specifies the product that we want to sell and the QuantityToSell parameter specifies the quantity that we want to sell. In the below procedure, if enough stock is not available then we are raising a custom exception by using the Raiserror statement.
CREATE PROCEDURE spSellProduct @ProductID INT, @QuantityToSell INT AS BEGIN -- First we need to Check the stock available for the product we want to sell DECLARE @StockAvailable INT SELECT @StockAvailable = QuantityAvailable FROM Product WHERE ProductId = @ProductId -- We need to throw an error to the calling application -- if the stock is less than the quantity we want to sell IF(@StockAvailable < @QuantityToSell) BEGIN Raiserror('Enough Stock is not available', 16, 1) END -- If enough stock is available ELSE BEGIN -- We need to start the transaction BEGIN TRANSACTION -- First we need to reduce the quantity available UPDATE Product SET QuantityAvailable = (QuantityAvailable - @QuantityToSell) WHERE ProductID = @ProductID -- Then Calculate MAX ProductSalesId DECLARE @MaxProductSalesId INT SELECT @MaxProductSalesId = CASE WHEN MAX(ProductSalesId) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE MAX(ProductSalesId) END FROM ProductSales -- Increment @MaxProductSalesId by 1, so we don't get a primary key violation Set @MaxProductSalesId = @MaxProductSalesId + 1 -- We need to insert the quantity sold into the ProductSales table INSERT INTO ProductSales(ProductSalesId, ProductId, QuantitySold) VALUES(@MaxProductSalesId, @ProductId, @QuantityToSell) COMMIT TRANSACTION End END
The problem with the above-stored procedure is that the transaction is always going to be committed even though there is an error somewhere between updating the Product table and inserting data into the ProductSales table.
The main purpose of wrapping these 2 statements (Update Product Statement and Insert into ProductSales statement) in a transaction is to ensure that, both of these statements are treated as a single unit. For example, if we have an error when executing the second statement, then the first statement should be rolled back.
Let us modify the stored procedure to use the @@ERROR function to check if there any error occurred. If no error occurred then we are committing the transaction else we roll backing the transaction.
ALTER PROCEDURE spSellProduct @ProductID INT, @QuantityToSell INT AS BEGIN -- First we need to Check the stock available for the product we want to sell DECLARE @StockAvailable INT SELECT @StockAvailable = QuantityAvailable FROM Product WHERE ProductId = @ProductId -- We need to throw an error to the calling application -- if the stock is less than the quantity we want to sell IF(@StockAvailable< @QuantityToSell) BEGIN Raiserror('Enough Stock is not available',16,1) END -- If enough stock is available ELSE BEGIN -- We need to start the transaction BEGIN TRANSACTION -- First we need to reduce the quantity available UPDATE Product SET QuantityAvailable = (QuantityAvailable - @QuantityToSell) WHERE ProductID = @ProductID -- Calculate MAX ProductSalesId DECLARE @MaxProductSalesId INT SELECT @MaxProductSalesId = CASE WHEN MAX(ProductSalesId) IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE MAX(ProductSalesId) END FROM ProductSales -- Increment @MaxProductSalesId by 1, so we don't get a primary key violation Set @MaxProductSalesId = @MaxProductSalesId + 1 -- We need to insert the quantity sold into the ProductSales table INSERT INTO ProductSales(ProductSalesId, ProductId, QuantitySold) VALUES(@MaxProductSalesId, @ProductId, @QuantityToSell) -- The @@Error returns a NON-ZERO value if there is an error, otherwise it will return ZERO, -- indicating that the previous SQL statement encountered no errors IF(@@ERROR <> 0) BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION PRINT 'Rolled Back the Transaction' END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRANSACTION PRINT 'Committed the Transaction' END End END
In the above procedure, if you comment the line (Set @MaxProductSalesId = @MaxProductSalesId + 1), and then execute the stored procedure there will be a primary key violation error when trying to insert into the ProductSales table as a result of which the entire transaction will be rolled back.
Note: The @@ERROR is cleared and reset on each statement execution. Check it immediately following the statement being verified, or save it to a local variable that can be checked later.
In the Product table, we already have a record with ProductID = 4. So the insert statement causes a primary key violation error. The @@ERROR retains the error number, as we are checking for it immediately after the statement that causes the error.
INSERT INTO Product values(4, 'Mobile Phone', 1500, 100) IF(@@ERROR <> 0) PRINT 'Error Occurred' ELSE PRINT 'No Errors'
On the other hand, when you execute the code below, you will get the message ‘No Errors’. This is because the @@ERROR is cleared and reset on each statement execution.
INSERT INTO Product values(4, 'Mobile Phone', 1500, 100) -- At this point the @@ERROR will have a NON ZERO value SELECT * FROM Product -- At this point the @@ERROR reset to ZERO, because the -- select statement successfully executed IF(@@ERROR <> 0) PRINT 'Error Occurred' ELSE PRINT 'No Errors'
In the below example, we are storing the value of the @@Error function to a local variable, which is used later.
DECLARE @Error INT INSERT INTO Product VALUES(4, 'Mobile Phone', 1500, 100) Set @Error = @@ERROR SELECT * FROM Product IF(@Error <> 0) PRINT 'Error Occurred' ELSE PRINT 'No Errors'
In the next article, I am going to discuss how to raise errors explicitly in SQL Server, and also we will discuss the different options that we can use with the Raiserror function. Here, in this article, I try to explain the RaiseError and @@Error Function in SQL Server along with @@ERROR with Examples. I hope you enjoy this RaiseError in SQL Server with Examples article.