Function Return by Value and Return by Address in C

Function Return by Value and Return by Address in C Language

In this article, I will discuss Functions Return by Value and Return by Address in C Language with Examples. Please read our previous articles, discussing Functions Call by Value and Call by Address in C Language with Examples.

Function Return by Value in C Language

In C programming, “Function Return by Value” is a common way for a function to return data to its caller. It means that the function returns a copy of the value it has computed or processed rather than a reference or a pointer to the value. This concept is essential, especially considering how data is passed and manipulated between functions.

Characteristics of Function Return by Value in C:
  • Value Copy: When a function returns by value, it sends a copy of the variable’s value, not the variable itself or its address.
  • Memory Allocation: The returned value is stored in a new memory location. The caller receives this value in a separate memory location, distinct from where it was originally stored inside the function.
  • No Effect on Original Data: Since only a copy of the value is returned, any changes made to this value in the caller function will not affect the original data in the callee function.
Example to Understand Function Return By Value in C:

Here’s a simple example to illustrate return by value:

#include <stdio.h>

int sum(int a, int b) {
    int result = a + b;
    return result; // return by value

int main() {
    int x = 5, y = 10;
    int total = sum(x, y); // total receives the value returned by sum
    printf("Total: %d\n", total);
    return 0;

In this example, the function sum calculates the sum of two integers and returns the result. The value of the result is returned to the main function. The main function receives a copy of this value, which is stored in total.

Advantages of Return by Value in C Language:
  • Safety: Since a copy of the value is returned, the original data is not affected, which can prevent unintended side effects.
  • Simplicity: Return by value is straightforward and easy to understand, making it suitable for simple data types like integers, characters, and floating-point numbers.
Disadvantages Return by Value in C Language:
  • Performance: For large data structures (like large structs or arrays), returning by value can be inefficient as it involves copying the entire structure. This can lead to increased memory usage and slower performance.
  • Limitation: Return by value is unsuitable for directly returning arrays or large structs.
Best Practices
  • Use return by value for simple and small-sized data types.
  • For large data structures, consider returning a pointer to the data (but be mindful of the lifetime of the data being pointed to) or using other mechanisms like modifying data through passed pointers or references.

Function Return by Address in C Language

In C programming, “Return by Address” refers to a function returning the address of a variable, typically a pointer. This is often used when you need to return more complex data structures (like arrays or structs) or to maintain state across multiple function calls. However, there are several important considerations when returning an address from a function:

When to Use Function Return by Address in C
  • Returning Dynamic Data: If your function dynamically allocates memory (e.g., using malloc, calloc, or realloc), you can return a pointer to this allocated memory. The calling function can then use this pointer to access the data.
  • Returning Large Structures: To avoid the overhead of copying large structures, a function can return a pointer to such a structure. This is more efficient than returning the whole structure.
  • Returning Local Static Variables: You can return a pointer to a static local variable. Unlike normal local variables, static local variables retain their value between function calls.
Risks and Considerations
  • Memory Management: You must ensure proper management when returning dynamically allocated memory. The calling function frees the allocated memory to avoid memory leaks.
  • Lifetime of Variables: Returning a pointer to a local non-static variable (a common mistake) is dangerous because these variables are deallocated when the function scope ends, leaving a dangling pointer.
  • Thread Safety: Returning a pointer to a static local variable is not thread-safe, as concurrent modifications by different threads can lead to undefined behavior.
  • Encapsulation and Abstraction: Overusing pointers can lead to less encapsulated and more tightly coupled code, which might be harder to manage and maintain.
Example to Understand Function Return by Address in C

Here’s a simple example of returning a pointer from a function:

#include <stdlib.h>

int* createArray(int size) {
    int* arr = malloc(size * sizeof(int));
    if (arr != NULL) {
        // Initialize or modify array
    return arr; // Returning the address of the newly allocated array

int main() {
    int* myArray = createArray(10);
    if (myArray != NULL) {
        // Use the array

    free(myArray); // Important: Free the memory when done
    return 0;

In this example, createArray dynamically allocates an array of integers and returns its address. The caller (in this case, the main function) is responsible for freeing the memory allocated by createArray to avoid memory leaks.

Differences between Return by Value and Return By Address in C Language

In C programming, understanding the differences between “return by value” and “return by address” (also known as “return by reference”) is crucial for managing data correctly and efficiently. These concepts dictate how data is passed back from a function to the caller.

Return by Value Key Characteristics

In return by value, a function returns a copy of the value.

  • Copying of Value: The function creates a copy of the variable and returns this copy. The original variable and its value remain unchanged in the caller’s scope.
  • Memory Allocation: The returned value is stored in a new memory location allocated to the variable in the caller’s scope.
  • Safety: Since a copy is returned, the original data is safe from unintended modifications.
  • Use Case: Commonly used for returning simple data types like int, char, float, etc.
  • Limitation: Not efficient for large data structures like arrays or structs, as it involves copying all the data.
Return by Address Key Characteristics

In return by address, a function returns the address of a variable (a pointer).

  • Returning an Address: The function returns the memory address of a variable. This allows the function to return complex data types and arrays.
  • Memory Location: The returned address points to the location of the actual data. The caller accesses the data through this pointer.
  • Efficiency: Efficient for returning large data structures, as it avoids copying the entire structure.
  • Risk: If the function returns the address of a local variable (which gets deallocated after the function call), it can lead to undefined behavior. You might return dynamically allocated memory or a static variable to avoid this.
  • Use Case: Useful for returning arrays, structs, or when modifications to the original data are intended.
Key Differences Between Return by Value and Return By Address in C
  • Memory Safety: Return by value is safer as it avoids dangling pointers or memory management issues. Return by address requires careful handling of memory.
  • Efficiency: Return by value can be less efficient for large data, whereas return by address is more efficient but riskier.
  • Modification of Data: Return by value does not allow the caller to directly modify the original data, while return by address does.
  • Return Type: Return by value returns the actual data type (e.g., int, float), while return by address returns a pointer to the data type (e.g., int*, float*).
Best Practices
  • Use return by value for simple and small data types where the cost of copying is negligible.
  • Use return by address for large data structures, but be mindful of memory management and the risks of returning pointers to local variables.

In the next article, I will discuss Local vs Global Variables in C Language with examples. In this article, I explain Function Return by Value and Return by Address in C Language with Examples. I hope you enjoy this Function Return by Value and Return by Address in C Language article. I would like to have your feedback. Please post your feedback, questions, or comments about this article.

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