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Octal To Decimal Conversion in C# with Examples
In this article, I am going to discuss Octal to Decimal Conversion in C# with Examples. Please read our previous article, where we discussed Octal to Binary Conversion in C#. At the end of this article, you will understand, what are Decimal and Octal Number Systems is and how to convert an Octal Number into its equivalent Decimal Number using C#.
What is Octal Number System?
The octal numeral system or oct is the base-8 number system and uses the digits 0 to 7. Octal numerals can be made from binary numerals by grouping consecutive binary digits into groups of three (starting from the right). Example: (5303)8
What is Decimal Number System?
A number whose whole number part and Fractional part is separated by a decimal point or dot. This representation of the number is known as a decimal number. Decimal number system in mathematics, a positional numeral system employing 10 as the base requiring 10 different numerals, the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Example: 223.45
Octal to decimal Conversion example:
Convert (253)8 to decimal.
Solution: Given octal number is (253)8
First, we convert given into decimal and then add them.
(2*82) + (5*81) + (3*80) = 128 + 40+ 3 = 171
For better understanding, please have a look at the below diagram.
Logic to Convert Octal to Decimal in C#
To find the conversion of octal to a decimal number, simply we need to follow the below steps.
- First, we take the octal number.
- Then we extract the digits of a given octal number starting from the rightmost digit and keep a variable dec_value
- At the time of extracting digits from the octal number, multiply the digit with the proper base (Power of 8) and add it to the octal digit.
- Then we store the number and we get the required decimal number.
In this program we are going to use the following data type
- float: Floating-point numbers are used for decimal and exponential values. It is a primitive data type. It has 6 decimal digits of precision. Example: float volume = 20.93333
- Int: Int data type is used to store the value of the integer in the program. It is a primitive data type. Example: Int a= 10;
- long: long is a data type used in c# and other languages, long can store a single 64-bit signed integer. Example: long dec = 45798613;
Example: Octal to Decimal Number Conversion in C#
The following C# Program will convert an Octal number to its equivalent Decimal number.
using System; class OctalToDecimal { public static void Main() { int OctalNumber = 253; Console.WriteLine($"Octal Number : {OctalNumber}"); int Decimal_Number = 0; int BASE = 1; int temp = OctalNumber; while (temp > 0) { int last_digit = temp % 10; temp /= 10; Decimal_Number += last_digit * BASE; BASE *= 8; } Console.WriteLine($"Decimal Number : {Decimal_Number}"); Console.ReadKey(); } }
Example: Taking input from the user
In the following C# program, we will take the octal number from the user and then convert the octal number to its equivalent decimal number and print it on the console.
using System; public class Octal_to_Decimal { public static void Main() { int n1, n5, p = 1, k, ch = 1; int dec = 0, i = 1, j, d; Console.WriteLine("Enter the Octal Number"); n1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); n5 = n1; for (; n1 > 0; n1 = n1 / 10) { k = n1 % 10; if (k >= 8) { ch = 0; } } switch (ch) { case 0: Console.Write("\nThe number is not an octal number. \n\n"); break; case 1: n1 = n5; for (j = n1; j > 0; j = j / 10) { d = j % 10; if (i == 1) p = p * 1; else p = p * 8; dec = dec + (d * p); i++; } Console.Write("\nThe Octal Number : {0}\nThe equivalent Decimal Number : {1} \n\n", n5, dec); break; } Console.ReadKey(); } }
C# Code (Using function)
In the below example, we have created one method to convert the octal number to its equivalent decimal number.
using System; class OctalToDecimal { public static void Main() { int OctalNumber = 253; Console.WriteLine($"Octal Number : {OctalNumber}"); Console.WriteLine($"Decimal Number : {Octal_Decimal(OctalNumber)}"); Console.ReadKey(); } private static int Octal_Decimal(int OctalNumber) { int Decimal_Number = 0; int BASE = 1; int temp = OctalNumber; while (temp > 0) { int last_digit = temp % 10; temp /= 10; Decimal_Number += last_digit * BASE; BASE *= 8; } return Decimal_Number; } }
Here, in this article, I try to explain how to convert an octal number to its equivalent hexadecimal number in C# with Examples and I hope you enjoy this Octal to Decimal Conversion in C# article.